I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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Welcome the newest tier 3 creature to our realms. Roughly 25% bigger then our standard wolf, you will come to like its abilities. The Direwolf is a pack animal, and their damage and resistance scale with their pack size. The Direwolf is a carnivore who prefers prime meat for taming. After being tamed, it will eat any meat available. Direwolves are good at harvesting hide and keratinoid and have relatively good speed and mobility.
The pack leader can command its pack members and when activated (right mouse button) let’s out a howl rallying those around it providing a buff to their damage. A pack leader can howl and command a pack of up to 4 wolves. There is a cooldown between howling!
The Direwolf also has a keen sense of smell and can sniff the air and detect hidden creatures (activated with C key) which will appear as a masked icon on the players HUD. This is useful for detecting Purlovias!
The Direwolf can also track injured animals and players which will display their health on a sliding color scale on the players HUD;
Yellow – Injured
Red – Critical
Grey – Dead
LMB – Primary Attack/Harvest
RMB – Howl Buff
C – Sniff Buff
They can be found on the following island types:
Tundra, Polar