I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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Welcome the Kangaroo, our newest creature to our servers! These useful tames can carry a great amount of weight and still travel incredible distances with their amazing jumping ability. They are a Tier 3 creature. We also offer a Bunny Costume for this tame, available from the IS Shop.
The Kangaroo has a pouch, and with this pouch comes a couple uniquie abilities. Players can mount inside the pouch as a secondary rider. While mounted in the pouch, players can hold weapons as well. Another amazing perk of the Kangaroo is it can hold creatures and babies in its pouch as well. The size of the creature determines if it can fit inside the Kangaroos pouch. Babies put inside a Female Mate Boosted Kangaroo pouch have a 5x imprint buff applied. This should be well liked from any breeder!
The Kangaroo is a bola tame. Kangaroos preferred food is Grown Vegetables. After taming they will accept berries.
They can be found on the following island types: