I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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Welcome our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron, the Pelican. The Pelican is our first NON VIP flyer. Tho it has short flight distances, it is still a very valuable tame. It boasts an 80% weight reduction for all items within its inventory, making it 2nd best behind the Workhorse. Your new flying companion also can land on water and swim at pretty good speeds. Worth noting to all you SOTD farmers, your Pelicans can now allow you to pick up your ocean supply crates WIHTOUT having to dismount. This also applies to the normal flotsam/ocean supply crates as well. Fishing has never been easier, thanks to the Pelicans ability to fish while mounted on it. Pelicans can NOT pick up any creatures, and are not worthy of battle, keep your birds safe from harms way.
The Pelican is a bola tame and requires Fish Meat. After taming they will also only accept fish meat as their food. Due to their passive flee mechanics, we have introduced a consumable to aid in taming the Pelicans. You can obtain Natures Wrath consumables fishing or from the shop.
Please note, use of cages will disable taming and reset its affinity.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack
They can be found on the following island type: