I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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(PvE VIP Only)
Welcome the Phoenix, our ultimate flying VIP creature. The Phoenix is a tier 3 creature, that requires a saddle to ride.
The Phoenix has some really amazing abilities. For starters, The Phoenix can recover stamina hovering in the air while players are mounted. With this perk, you can take your Phoenix on really long journeys and never need to land, just keep a good supply of food in their inventory! To further make its flight amazing, it can supercharge by holding X. You can go long distances very quickly this way.
It doesn’t stop there, the Phoenix are also amazing farmers too! They can gather Stone, Flint, Metal, Wood, Thatch, and Corpses. To help with its ability to gather, the Phoenix has a 75 percent weight reduction for all items within its inventory.
Your new Phoenix also passively generates a new unique coal called “Phoenix Dust” in its inventory. Another perk of the Phoenix, the meat your carnivore eats and digests turns into a new gunpowder called “Phoenix Ash” when it poops.
The Phoenix also has another perk worth noting, its secondary attack is a fireball projectile. Take on enemies with its fire damage! There are some creatures that are immune to this attack. The following creatures are not affected by the Phoenix fireball: Bosses, Gorgons, Cyclops, and Loot Creatures.
LMB (Left Mouse Button): Melee Attack / Harvest Resources
RMB (Right Mouse Button): Fireball Projectile
C: Pick Up / Carry
HOLD X: Supercharged Flight
The Phoenix can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size.
Note: Phoenix have no gender and can not produce babies.
Also Note: This VIP Tame Is Only Available On The PVE Cluster
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim The Phoenix From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 25000 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s