
Infiniti Squadron welcomes it’s newest shoulder tame, the Pug. This happy little guy provides a Health Recovery Boost when mounted and its companionship bolsters you to ignore the roars of one of the Atlas biggest foes. Pugs also have a light that can be toggled on. The light color of your Pug will depend on its natural coloring of its antenna. This can also be influenced by color tokens!
Your new companion has another ability worth noting, Pugs can detect high level creatures within roughly a 45 foundation radius. To take advantage of this perk, your Pug must have 100 Mytho in its inventory. Once activated, your Pug will detect for a duration of 1 hour. When your Pug successfully finds a target, it will visually mark it for only the team that owns the Pug.

Please Note:
Server restarts or crossing grids will deactivate your Pugs creature detection.

Pugs are a passive tame. These little guys prefer a diet of berries and can be tamed by feeding them intermittently.

They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial and Tropical