I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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The Purlovia is our newest carnivore released to our clusters! Purlovias are a Tier 3 creature. You can not ride Purlovia. The Purlovia, when burrowed underground, will jump out and knock riders off of certain mounts. A domesticated Purlovia is however unable to knock riders off large mounts (whose Drag Weight is higher than 350). Due to its ability to burrow and surprise attack, it can be useful for defending your property. Non tribe members cannot see it when it’s burrowed, making it an effective ambush predator. The Purlovia cannot be seen by players not in the owner’s tribe, including allied tribes, making it incredibly useful for hiding items. This makes it a unique and useful way to store valuable items and loot away from raiders. On PvP, it’s recommended to set Purlovia on passive and bury them away from your base.
Their preferred taming food is Marrow. After taming they will eat meat.
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Tropical, Desert, Polar, Tundra