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Welcome the Razorclaw, our newest addition to InfinitiSquadron Servers. The Razorclaw is a Tier 3 tame that requires a saddle to ride. Razorclaws are great battle mounts as well as farmers. They have a couple perks worth noting. They have a deadly bleed attack, and can be utilized by pressing RMB. You will quickly see that it also farms really well. This includes Wood, Thatch, Fiber, Berries, Hides, Keratinoid, and Meats. Any Wood or Fiber inside your Razors inventory will get a 50 percent weight reduction. Killing a wild Razorclaw will yield a new Keratinoid, Razorclaws.
The Razorclaw has a unique taming mechanic. The Razorclaw must be knocked out and fed while torpored. You can utilize Bows and/or IS Crossbows and IS Tranquilizer Arrows. They have a somewhat quick torpor drop rate, so be sure to monitor this so they don’t wake up! You can use Tranquilizer to subdue the creature from waking up. Remember each Tranquilizer will give 40 points of torpor over 2 seconds, this also stacks. While your Razorclaw is torpored you also must protect it from any incoming damage, you can utilize IS Spike Walls for a protective barrier while taming.
Like the Razortooth, the Razorclaw has an assortment of preferred foods. Place those foods inside its inventory while its torpored out and it will eat as needed, if the required food is not present in its inventory, it will not continue to progress its taming. After taming the Razorclaw accepts berries as its food source.
Preferred Foods:
1) Tara’nosti
2) Spicy Roll
3) Song of the Sea
4) Reaper’s Regard
5) Obara Stew
6) Dragon’s Tongue Delight
7) Creme Brulee
8) Ration Pack
9) Monarch’s Cake
10) Nature’s Whisper
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack / Gather
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Bleed Attack
C – Gather
They can be found on the following island type:
Temperate, Tropical