I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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Our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron is the Stag. The Stag, with it’s large majestic antlers, is an amazing thatch gatherer and boasts a 50% weight reduction on any thatch in its inventory. The ability to harvest Thatch is however limited to the males as female ‘Hinds’ do not have the antlers for the job. Females can still pack a punch and can defend themselves with their headbutt ability and can also be milked when tamed as another source of milk. The Stag is one of a few tames which also have a costume option and can be equipped with the Reindeer costume to alter its appearance. These costumes have a small % chance to drop from Stag and Hind corpses. The Stag also brings with it a new hide resource type ‘Buckskin’ which can be harvested from Stag and Hind corpses. Also, upon feeding your Stag/Hind Chicken eggs, you will be gifted with some Christmas items.
The Stag is a bola tame and requires berries as its primary food.
The Hind is a passive tame and also requires berries as their primary food.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Antler Attack / Gather Thatch (Male Only)
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Headbutt
Passively generates milk – Press E to harvest
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Tundra