Creature Cloud (Stable)

The Creature Cloud is a revolutionary way to store Animals.
Animals are uploaded into a Cloud-Database & can of course be downloaded again.
But here is the decisive advantage: From any Grid/Server!
You can imagine the Creature Cloud like a high performance Obelisk from Ark.

Key Features:
– Availability across grids
– Filter trough your uploaded Animals efficiently
– Uploaded animals relieve the server (less data to save & load)
– Integrated Mating Cooldown (Timers keep running in the Cloud)
– See the Stats & Colors of your Uploaded Animals

The Dino Cloud has 2 options:
– Creature Upload
– Creature Download

What do I have to consider?
– DO NOT UPLOAD CREATURES FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES AFTER USING A COLOR TOKEN. If you dont listen to this, you risk that creature loosing the ability to breed FOREVER!
– Uploads are bound to the SteamID
– Saddles NEED to be taken off any creature you want to upload, otherwise you will LOOSE it.
– Any behavior will be reset to default upon download
– Tames have a 5 minute debuff (4x more damage given)
– Temporary Tames cannot be Uploaded
– Creature Cloud will be wiped upon any server wipes

Magic Flask

Your Animal Storage in Atlas!

Tames tend to drag down Server-performance & take up space.
Thus People are forced to build giant bases, which affect performance even more! No More!

This Mod brings you an Item that can Store Creatures!
While “Caged” Animals will not use any Food nor will they count into “Tamed Animals” or Crew (On Ships).

Released Animals will have a Debuff (Weakened) which causes them to take 4x Damage.

Magic Flasks are a 1x use Item and will be destroyed after releasing the Creature you caged with it!

– Safe for GridTravel! You can freely travel Grids with these Magic Flasks!
– Storable anywhere. Just put them in any Box! It’s fine! There’s an internal Limit of 20 Magic Flaks per Box to prevent client-side issues!
– Self Cleanup: Be default Magic Flasks decay after 30 Days when they are first produced! Thus preventing People from hoarding unnecessary Creatures! Since they are easy to produce people can simply release and recage them if they wanna keep them!

– If you find others Magic Flasks the Creatures in there are yours upon release!
– Tameable Bosses (Dragon, Cyclops & so on) cannot be caged!

What do I have to consider?
– DO NOT UPLOAD CREATURES INTO FLASK FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES AFTER USING A COLOR TOKEN. If you dont listen to this, you risk that creature loosing the ability to breed FOREVER!

– Please Note Magic Flasks will NOT open in any Polar Area where Yeti’s Exist

Loot Creatures

We have special alpha creatures roaming about in our server.  Not only will you find orange glowing alphas, you will also find blue, purple, and red ones too!  These critters are no joke tho, be prepared, as these alphas can give a serious fight.  Upon killing one, you will be pleasantly rewarded!

All Loot Creatures Drop Gold & Mythos & Rations
Tier 2 – Base Of 10 + 1% Of Level (Gold & Mythos)
Tier 3 – Base Of 25 + 3% Of Level (Gold & Mythos)

50% Chance To Receive Item vs Blueprint

To See What Each Creature MAY Contain Please Visit Link Below!

Loot Creature Spreadsheet