Atlas PvP
I.S. Exclusive Creatures
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Infiniti Squadron has a great selection of new creatures. We frequently bring new creatures to our players. We try to give each creature unique abilities to give Atlas A More In-Depth purpose.
We have added several VIP creatures for those who wish to help support Infiniti Squadron.
The Alligator is our newest carnivore released to our clusters! Despite being smaller then the Crocodile, these creatures pack a good punch. Be careful while near wild Alligators, as they can dismount players off their mounts with very very little notice or time to react. Alligators are a Tier 3 creature. Their preferred taming food is Prime Fish. After taming they will eat meat.
LMB – Primary Attack
RMB – Leap Attack
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial, Temperate, Tropical
(VIP Only)
Welcome the Argent, our newest flying VIP creature. Argents are a tier 3 creature, that require a saddle to ride. This bird will be well liked for its unique abilities! It’s statted to be a combat and farming assistant. You will love the maneuverability as it can walk and fly backwards, as well as strafe left/right in flight. Its first ability worth noting, farmed resources like woods, metals, etc have a 50% weight reduction in its inventory. Secondly, while in combat, any corpse you eat with your Argent, will give a 20 second rejuvenation buff, which significantly restores your Argent’s health.
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Grab
While in the air, Argents can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size. While carrying, you can NOT attack.
Note: Argents have no gender and can’t mate.
Also Note: In PvP Environment, Argents can NOT pick up players or enemy tames.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Argents From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Mytho Ranks Now Include 1 Argent (15000 Point Value)
– Available For 15000 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s
Introducing the Armadillo, adding another tier 3 gathering creature. The Armadillo requires a saddle to ride. These herbivores can gather stone, metal, flint, wood, and thatch. Worth noting is its ability to selectively gather with its 3 different attacks. To further make use of these perks, your Armadillos sport a 50% weight reduction on all stones, flints, and metals. They can also ball up and roll by using RMB. They are quite fast while rolling and can navigate pretty well.
The Armadillo is a tranq tame and prefers Armadillo Kibble. After taming it will eat berries and vegetables. While taming, a MAX level will require at least 100 tranquilizer to keep asleep while taming! Make sure to protect them while taming, as incoming damage will reduce taming effectiveness.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB – Attack / Gather Stone
RMB – Roll
C – Attack / Gather Flint
X – Attack / Gather Metal
They can be found on the following island type:
Desert, Tropical, Equatorial
Introducing the Basilosaurus! Our newest Tier 3 water creature. The Basilosaurus is a great water exploring tame. Basilosaurus are a passive tame. Be careful of their followers, as they will get mad as you try to tame the Basilosaurus. Their preferred food is Prime Fish. Once tamed, your Basilosaurus will passively create Blubber in its inventory.
They can be found anywhere in the ocean.
The bat, a new shoulder tame, although relatively low in stamina and health is a creature that will readily save your life from a fall. It allows you to jump higher and further as well as totally eliminating fall damage. The bat is a bola tame that feeds on regular meat. Normal spawn points for the bat are in equatorial biome.
The Beaver adds another wood harvesting creature to the line up! These useful gatherers reduce the wood weight in their inventories by 90%. Beavers are a Tier 3 creature. Their preferred food is berries or vegetables. Wild Beavers will make dams that have gold, mythos, and organic paste inside its inventory. When saddled, the Beaver becomes a mobile smithy crafter.
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial, Temperate, Desert, Tundra
A small cousin to the crab, this diminutive trench-dweller still has all the abilities of their larger cousin. Able to leap high into the air and grab foes to pound to the ground. They can be found near the larger crabs. To tame a Crustacean you must damage them until they are stunned and feed them until tamed. Their preferred food is innards. After taming they will accept spoiled meat as food. Crustaceans are also able to be equipped with a platform saddle though it can not hold as much as a crabs.
Also worth noting, these creatures can breed.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB – Attack
Hold LMB – Grab
RMB – Attack
Hold RMB – Grab
LMB & RMB – Smash
C – Release
HOLD C – Throw
Spacebar – Jump
HOLD Spacebar – Jump FAR
They can be found on the following island type:
Welcome the newest tier 3 creature to our realms. Roughly 25% bigger then our standard wolf, you will come to like its abilities. The Direwolf is a pack animal, and their damage and resistance scale with their pack size. The Direwolf is a carnivore who prefers prime meat for taming. After being tamed, it will eat any meat available. Direwolves are good at harvesting hide and keratinoid and have relatively good speed and mobility.
The pack leader can command its pack members and when activated (right mouse button) let’s out a howl rallying those around it providing a buff to their damage. A pack leader can howl and command a pack of up to 4 wolves. There is a cooldown between howling!
The Direwolf also has a keen sense of smell and can sniff the air and detect hidden creatures (activated with C key) which will appear as a masked icon on the players HUD. This is useful for detecting Purlovias!
The Direwolf can also track injured animals and players which will display their health on a sliding color scale on the players HUD;
Yellow – Injured
Red – Critical
Grey – Dead
LMB – Primary Attack/Harvest
RMB – Howl Buff
C – Sniff Buff
They can be found on the following island types:
Tundra, Polar
Dung Beetle
The Dung Beetle is a new QOL creature. Beetles can be found on any island that have Ostriches. Is a Tier 3 Tame, and preferred taming food is FECES. After tame its only source of food is SPOILED MEAT. These QOL creatures have special abilities to passively produce crude oil and fertilizer.
Introducing your next favorite shoulder companion, the Featherlight! Dispite being small, these carnivores can really pack a punch in groups, with their pack buffs. Their damage and resistance scale as their pack size increases. Also While mounted on a player’s shoulder, it gives your player a fortitude buff as well. Lastly, every corpse the Featherlight eats, activates a short burst of HP regeneration. Featherlights are a bola tame, and their preferred taming food is Prime Animal Meat. After taming they will accept meat as food.
They can be found on the following island types:
(VIP Only)
Welcome the Featherwing, our newest flying VIP creature. Featherwings are a tier 3 creature, that require a saddle to ride. This bird will be well liked for its unique abilities! It’s statted to be a combat and farming assistant. Featherwings have a pack buff, and get stronger and resist more damage as their pack size increases. Featherwings can have a max pack size of +3. You will love the maneuverability as it can walk and fly backwards, as well as strafe left/right in flight. Its first ability worth noting, ALL items within its inventory have a 50% weight reduction. Secondly, while in combat, any corpse you bite with your Featherwing, will give a 10 second rejuvenation buff, which significantly restores your Featherwing’s health. Your new flyers have a unique ability to breed smaller companion Featherlights as well.
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Grab
While in the air, Featherwings can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size.
Note: Featherwings produce Featherlight babies.
Also Note: In PvP Environment, Featherwings can NOT pick up players or enemy tames.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Featherwings From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Opal, Copper, Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 15000 Shop Points
Firetail Gecko
Introducing our newest shoulder pet, the Firetail Gecko! This Omnivore has a couple neat abilities to add to our realms. This shoulder companion when mounted, gives your player character a Speed Buff. Also its fire tail gives your player character 300 points of Hypothermal Insulation, which is slightly better then wearing a FULL FUR KIT!
Their preferred taming food is either Insect or Animal Meat. They will also take berries for taming but at much lower affinity per feed. After taming, they will eat insect meat, animal meat, or berries.
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial and Tropical
Giant Ant
Welcome the Giant Ant, adding another tier 3 gathering creature. This creature does not require a saddle. The Giant Ant is a great thatch gatherer. It also boasts a 75% weight reduction on any thatch inside its inventory. They also have a pack buff, which can support 3 mates, which gives up to a 30% damage boost.
The Giant Ant is a tranq tame and prefers Tara’Nosti. After taming it will eat meat. While taming, a MAX level will require at least 50 tranquilizer to keep asleep! Make sure to protect them while taming, as incoming damage will reduce taming effectiveness.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB – Attack / Gather
They can be found on the following island type:
Any Islands Containing Vanilla Ants
Giant Scorpion
The big brother to the Scorpion, the Giant Scorpion is a tier 3 creature and requires a saddle to ride. This creature boasts a 4x Venom and 2x Insect Meat gathering rate, and will become your new Razorclaw taming compadre.
The Giant Scorpion is a bola tame and prefers Razorcakes (new food item located in the Grill). After taming it will eat any kind of meat.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB – Attack
RMB – Torpor Attack
They can be found on the following island type:
Desert, Equatorial, and some Tropical
Gorgons are a Tier 3 creature added to our tameable collection. They can be found on certain Powerstone Islands and have no gender (cannot mate). When taming, the Gorgon will ask for a random fertilized bird egg (chicken, crow, parrot, seagull, or vulture). Once tamed they eat meat and can carry a rider as well as one passenger. Taming a Gorgon, or being within the near vicinity of a company-member when taming one, will give you the skill to craft the Gorgon Stun Resistance Brew.
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Snake Throw
Special Ability (C): Scream
Once tamed, Gorgons will only scream when directed to by their rider. There is a 10-minute cooldown (5 minutes on the PVE server) between screams. Each scream will consume 100 mythos (20 on the PVE server) from the Gorgon’s inventory. The scream will stun creatures, players, and NPC who are NOT seated on a structure (ex: sails/cannons).
Great White
Welcome our newest water mount, the Great White! Explore the oceans with confidence. Great Whites are pack hunters and their damage and resistance scale as their pack size increases. They have a max pack of +4. Great Whites also have a 5x gather bonus on meats. While mounted on your Great White, your player character will receive a Hypothermal Insulation Boost.
Great Whites are a stun tame. Inflict damage until they get stunned and their preferred taming food is Prime Fish. After taming they will eat meats.
They can be found anywhere in the ocean.
(VIP Only)
The Griffin is a flying creature that can carry a rider as well as a passenger without the need of a saddle. With the front half of an eagle and the back half of a lion it is as if these two creatures somehow fused together to form a truly majestic land and air predator. They can rapidly dive from the sky and carry its momentum back into rapid uplift, covering vast distances through the air with ease. Griffins are weak to artillery type attacks and will take increased damage from them.
Main Attack (left click): melee
Secondary Attack (right click): grab
While in the air, Griffins can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size, as well as players. While carrying something in their claws, Griffins will be unable to dive.
Note: Griffins have no gender and can’t mate.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Griffins From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Mytho Ranks Now Include 1 Griffin (20000 Point Value)
– Available For 20000 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s
Tier 2/Underwater Taming
When ridden, provides a fortitude buff.
Favorite Foods: Squid, Crustacean, and other fish meats. After taming will also eat normal animal meat, but will provide less food value than fish meats.
Taming Method: player damage (directly from player, tame ridden by player, or submarine driven by player) on sharks with less than 25% health will cause them to be stunned (similar to a crab).
There’s a new canine roaming our clusters! Welcome the Hyena to Infiniti Squadron servers. The Hyena is a tier 2 tame and has a Utility Saddle available. Once saddled with the Utility Saddle, all items within its inventory have a 50% weight reduction. To further increase the usefulness of the Hyena, all consumables stored in the Utility Saddle have 2x spoil timers.
Hyenas are great in numbers with their pack buffs and also have a pet buff which further extends their damage capabilities. Great for base defense or for attacking(in packs).
The Hyena can be very tricky to tame. They are a passive tame in which you need to pet them to tame them. The trickiness comes from the fact you can not aggro them while trying to pet them. We have created a taming assistant for this. Craft the consumable “Nature’s Whisperer”. This will grant you temporary aggro resistance from the Hyena. Make sure to consume this BEFORE you aggro the Hyena!
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate and Desert
Infinitisquadron is happy to announce a new shoulder mount, the Jerboa. Besides being really cute, these Jerboas do have a couple useful perks. Firstly, when Jerboas are on your shoulder, they provide an intelligence boost. The buff is NOT any greater then the crow, just provides another option for crafters. Secondly, all tamed Jerboas will passively produce 1 salt every couple minutes. Once your Jerboa has generated 100 salt in its inventory they will stop production until their inventory has been cleared. We also offer a Bone Costume for this tame, available from the IS Shop.
Jerboas preferred taming food is Carrots. After taming they will accept berries, vegetables, or fruits as food.
They can be found on the following island types:
Welcome the Kangaroo, our newest creature to our servers! These useful tames can carry a great amount of weight and still travel incredible distances with their amazing jumping ability. They are a Tier 3 creature. We also offer a Bunny Costume for this tame, available from the IS Shop.
The Kangaroo has a pouch, and with this pouch comes a couple uniquie abilities. Players can mount inside the pouch as a secondary rider. While mounted in the pouch, players can hold weapons as well. Another amazing perk of the Kangaroo is it can hold creatures and babies in its pouch as well. The size of the creature determines if it can fit inside the Kangaroos pouch. Babies put inside a Female Mate Boosted Kangaroo pouch have a 5x imprint buff applied. This should be well liked from any breeder!
The Kangaroo is a bola tame. Kangaroos preferred food is Grown Vegetables. After taming they will accept berries.
They can be found on the following island types:
Komodo Dragon
InfinitiSquadron is proud to release a new reptile into our realms. Welcome the world’s biggest lizard, the Komodo Dragon. The Komodo is a utility tame which we think will be a favorite for many due to it’s abilities and gathering rates. The Komodo is a climber, it can scale walls and mountains and has a good carrying weight, perfect for getting to those up high treasure maps. It is a good Swimmer with increase movement speed in the water. The Komodo also has increased farming rates for meat collection which can be used with the C ability.
Just like in the wild, the Komodo kills its prey by biting and injecting toxins through its saliva which wears down its prey over time. The Komodo tame does the same. Once bitten you’re infected with highly contagious Rabies! Rabies can be cured with a Rabies Shot which can be crafted in the grill after learning the skill. The shot will cure Rabies and prevent you from contracting it while active. To craft the shot you need a sample of the Komodo’s toxin to make the antidote. You can gather Toxin by killing the Komodo’s which have a 50% chance to drop a sample. A tamed Komodo can also provide its toxin by feeding it it’s favorite treat, insect meat which will produce a toxin sample.
The Komodo is a Bola tame and meat eater and prefers Marrow or Prime Meat for taming, after which they will eat any meat available.
They can be found on the following island types:
LMB – Attack
RMB / Space – Dismount from wall climbing
C – Meat Harvesting
(VIP Only)
The leatherwing is a flying creature that can be ridden by players when equipped with a tier 3 saddle. Though its stats may be rather low when first used it can be very instrumental in island exploration. Fly the highest cliffs, make short/light resource runs, etc. It is also limited to only those players who donate to the server plus 9000 player points at the shop.
LMB (Left Mouse Button): Attack
RMB (Right Mouse Button): Pick Up
C: Barrel Roll
– Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Leatherwings From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Opal, Copper, Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 9000 Shop Points For Any Ranked VIP Members
(VIP Only)
Welcome the Macaw, our newest flying VIP creature. Macaws are a tier 3 creature, that do not require a saddle to ride. You will love the maneuverability as it can walk and fly backwards, as well as strafe left/right in flight. Any creature your Macaw kills will give a scaled amount of gold. The higher the level of the creatures you kill, the more gold you will get! Its special ability is worth noting, Macaws can give your tamed creatures a Courage buff. This does come at a cost, the Macaw uses 50 food per creature it gives Courage to. This scan happens every 2 seconds, until the Macaw runs out of food. Any Couraged friends receive a 25% damage boost. Also to note, any Couraged friends will also give gold upon killing, and deposit into your Macaws inventory.
Macaw & Couraged Tames Gold Harvest Per Kill:
Min Gold = Base Character Lvl / 2 * 0.75
Max Gold = Base Character Lvl / 2
Lvl 100 Pig : 37-50 Gold
Your new flyers have a unique ability to breed smaller companion Parrots as well.
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Grab
Special Ability (C): Courage
While in the air, Macaws can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size.
Note: Macaws produce Parrot babies.
Also Note: In PvP Environment, Macaws can NOT pick up players or enemy tames.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Macaws From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 17500 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s
Welcome our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron, the Mammoth. The Mammoth, with it’s massive tusks, is an amazing wood gatherer and boasts a 3x gatherer rate on wood, and a 50% weight reduction on any wood in its inventory. The Mammoth also brings with it a new Keratinoid resource type ‘Mammoth Tusk’ which can be harvested from Mammoth corpses.
Taming / Foods:
The Mammoth is a bola tame and requires its own special food recipe. Mammoth’s preferred food recipe is called “Mammoth Gumbo”. After taming they will accept berries as food.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Tusk Attack
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Stomp
They can be found on the following island types:
Tundra, Polar
Manta Ray
Introducing a new water mount, the Manta Ray. Explore the seas with speed! This new Tier 2 creature gives the mounted player a 25% reduction in oxygen consumption. You will also notice their AI has slightly changed as well. Our wild Mantas are no longer aggressive, but passive aggressive. As long as you leave them alone, they will do the same. There is one exception here, while trying to tame a Basilosaurus, they will defend them and turn aggressive.
Manta Rays are a passive tame, but can prove difficult as they are quite fast. Manta Rays preferred taming food is Prime Fish. After taming they will accept any fish as source of food.
They can be found anywhere in the ocean near shorelines.
The newest addition to Infiniti Squadron is the unique and customizable, Mantis. This mount boasts an overall 50% weight reduction, can equip tools/weapons, has it’s own saddle variant that can REPAIR and a deadly leap attack.
Your new Mantis, can equip 4 items. Those items are the pick, hatchet, sickle, and sword. Depending on what item you have equiped on your Mantis, will determine its damage and its harvesting abilities. Worth noting, the Mantis can craft/repair/upgrade your equipable items.
Please note: The Mantis’s inventory is limited to resources, consumables, and the 4 equipable items above.
To tame a Mantis, your player character must be at least level 40. The Mantis is a passive tame and prefers Insect Meat. After taming they will accept meat as their food. Taming can be tricky as they naturally want to aggro you. To assist with taming the Mantis, use Natures Whisperer consumable.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack / Gather
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Leap Attack
They can be found on the following island type:
The Otter is a small but super useful creature! They have several awesome abilities. When killing a fish, the Otter will receive between 5-25 gold or mythos. When mounted on your shoulder, the Otter is even more useful as it has a couple additional perks. The weight of all items in its inventory is reduces by 50%, thus acting like a “Backpack”. While acting as your added backpack, your Otter also gives Hyper/Hypo Insulation. The Hyper/Hypo scales with the Otters melee.
Otters are a passive tame. Their preferred food is prime fish meat or fish meat (lower affinity per feed), and can be tamed by feeding them intermittently. After taming they accept any kind of fish meat.
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial, Temperate, Desert, Tundra
Welcome our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron, the Pelican. The Pelican is our first NON VIP flyer. Tho it has short flight distances, it is still a very valuable tame. It boasts an 80% weight reduction for all items within its inventory, making it 2nd best behind the Workhorse. Your new flying companion also can land on water and swim at pretty good speeds. Worth noting to all you SOTD farmers, your Pelicans can now allow you to pick up your ocean supply crates WIHTOUT having to dismount. This also applies to the normal flotsam/ocean supply crates as well. Fishing has never been easier, thanks to the Pelicans ability to fish while mounted on it. Pelicans can NOT pick up any creatures, and are not worthy of battle, keep your birds safe from harms way.
The Pelican is a bola tame and requires Fish Meat. After taming they will also only accept fish meat as their food. Due to their passive flee mechanics, we have introduced a consumable to aid in taming the Pelicans. You can obtain Natures Wrath consumables fishing or from the shop.
Please note, use of cages will disable taming and reset its affinity.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack
They can be found on the following island type:
(PvE VIP Only)
Welcome the Phoenix, our ultimate flying VIP creature. The Phoenix is a tier 3 creature, that requires a saddle to ride.
The Phoenix has some really amazing abilities. For starters, The Phoenix can recover stamina hovering in the air while players are mounted. With this perk, you can take your Phoenix on really long journeys and never need to land, just keep a good supply of food in their inventory! To further make its flight amazing, it can supercharge by holding X. You can go long distances very quickly this way.
It doesn’t stop there, the Phoenix are also amazing farmers too! They can gather Stone, Flint, Metal, Wood, Thatch, and Corpses. To help with its ability to gather, the Phoenix has a 75 percent weight reduction for all items within its inventory.
Your new Phoenix also passively generates a new unique coal called “Phoenix Dust” in its inventory. Another perk of the Phoenix, the meat your carnivore eats and digests turns into a new gunpowder called “Phoenix Ash” when it poops.
The Phoenix also has another perk worth noting, its secondary attack is a fireball projectile. Take on enemies with its fire damage! There are some creatures that are immune to this attack. The following creatures are not affected by the Phoenix fireball: Bosses, Gorgons, Cyclops, and Loot Creatures.
LMB (Left Mouse Button): Melee Attack / Harvest Resources
RMB (Right Mouse Button): Fireball Projectile
C: Pick Up / Carry
HOLD X: Supercharged Flight
The Phoenix can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size.
Note: Phoenix have no gender and can not produce babies.
Also Note: This VIP Tame Is Only Available On The PVE Cluster
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim The Phoenix From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 25000 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s
Infiniti Squadron welcomes it’s newest shoulder tame, the Pug. This happy little guy provides a Health Recovery Boost when mounted and its companionship bolsters you to ignore the roars of one of the Atlas biggest foes. Pugs also have a light that can be toggled on. The light color of your Pug will depend on its natural coloring of its antenna. This can also be influenced by color tokens!
Your new companion has another ability worth noting, Pugs can detect high level creatures within roughly a 45 foundation radius. To take advantage of this perk, your Pug must have 100 Mytho in its inventory. Once activated, your Pug will detect for a duration of 1 hour. When your Pug successfully finds a target, it will visually mark it for only the team that owns the Pug.
Please Note:
Server restarts or crossing grids will deactivate your Pugs creature detection.
Pugs are a passive tame. These little guys prefer a diet of berries and can be tamed by feeding them intermittently.
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial and Tropical
The Purlovia is our newest carnivore released to our clusters! Purlovias are a Tier 3 creature. You can not ride Purlovia. The Purlovia, when burrowed underground, will jump out and knock riders off of certain mounts. A domesticated Purlovia is however unable to knock riders off large mounts (whose Drag Weight is higher than 350). Due to its ability to burrow and surprise attack, it can be useful for defending your property. Non tribe members cannot see it when it’s burrowed, making it an effective ambush predator. The Purlovia cannot be seen by players not in the owner’s tribe, including allied tribes, making it incredibly useful for hiding items. This makes it a unique and useful way to store valuable items and loot away from raiders. On PvP, it’s recommended to set Purlovia on passive and bury them away from your base.
Their preferred taming food is Marrow. After taming they will eat meat.
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Tropical, Desert, Polar, Tundra
(VIP Only)
Welcome the Raven, our newest flying VIP creature. Ravens are a tier 3 creature, that do not require a saddle to ride. You will love the maneuverability as it can walk and fly backwards, as well as strafe left/right in flight. Its special ability is worth noting, Ravens can detect high level creatures within roughly a 45 foundation radius. When your Raven successfully finds a target, it will visually mark it for only the team that owns the Raven.
Your new flyers have a unique ability to breed smaller companion Crows as well.
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Grab
Special Ability (C): Creature Detection
While in the air, Ravens can pick up and carry wild/tamed creatures up to tiger size.
Note: Ravens produce Crow babies.
Also Note: In PvP Environment, Ravens can NOT pick up players or enemy tames.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Ravens From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 17500 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s
Welcome the Razorclaw, our newest addition to InfinitiSquadron Servers. The Razorclaw is a Tier 3 tame that requires a saddle to ride. Razorclaws are great battle mounts as well as farmers. They have a couple perks worth noting. They have a deadly bleed attack, and can be utilized by pressing RMB. You will quickly see that it also farms really well. This includes Wood, Thatch, Fiber, Berries, Hides, Keratinoid, and Meats. Any Wood or Fiber inside your Razors inventory will get a 50 percent weight reduction. Killing a wild Razorclaw will yield a new Keratinoid, Razorclaws.
The Razorclaw has a unique taming mechanic. The Razorclaw must be knocked out and fed while torpored. You can utilize Bows and/or IS Crossbows and IS Tranquilizer Arrows. They have a somewhat quick torpor drop rate, so be sure to monitor this so they don’t wake up! You can use Tranquilizer to subdue the creature from waking up. Remember each Tranquilizer will give 40 points of torpor over 2 seconds, this also stacks. While your Razorclaw is torpored you also must protect it from any incoming damage, you can utilize IS Spike Walls for a protective barrier while taming.
Like the Razortooth, the Razorclaw has an assortment of preferred foods. Place those foods inside its inventory while its torpored out and it will eat as needed, if the required food is not present in its inventory, it will not continue to progress its taming. After taming the Razorclaw accepts berries as its food source.
Preferred Foods:
1) Tara’nosti
2) Spicy Roll
3) Song of the Sea
4) Reaper’s Regard
5) Obara Stew
6) Dragon’s Tongue Delight
7) Creme Brulee
8) Ration Pack
9) Monarch’s Cake
10) Nature’s Whisper
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack / Gather
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Bleed Attack
C – Gather
They can be found on the following island type:
Temperate, Tropical
Welcome the Sabertooth to our clusters! Adding yet another useful battle mount. The Sabertooth is fast and has a deadly bleed attack. Sabers are a Tier 3 creature. Tamed Sabertooth have a 3x gather rate on hides and keratinoids.
Their preferred taming food is Marrow. After taming they will eat meat.
Main Attack (Left Mouse Button): Melee
Secondary Attack (Right Mouse Button): Bleed
Third Attack (C): Roar
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial, Temperate, Tropical, Polar, Tundra, Desert
Welcome the newest beast to Infiniti Squadron servers. The Sloth is tanky tier 3 tame. It is a great gatherer and also best in class for harvesting keratinoid. The Sloth is relatively strong and upon killing an insect, you will receive a 2.5x melee buff for 120 seconds.
The Sloth must be knocked out and fed while torpored. You can utilize Bows and/or IS Crossbows and IS Tranquilizer Arrows. They have a somewhat quick torpor drop rate, so be sure to monitor this so they don’t wake up! You can use Tranquilizer to subdue the creature from waking up. Remember each Tranquilizer will give 40 points of torpor over 2 seconds, this also stacks. While your Sloth is torpored you also must protect it from any incoming damage.
Like the Razortooth, the Sloth has an assortment of preferred foods. Place those foods inside its inventory while its torpored out and it will eat as needed, if the required food is not present in its inventory, it will not continue to progress its taming. After taming the Sloth accepts berries as its food source.
Preferred Foods:
1) Creme Brulee
2) Ration Pack
3) Celery Soup
4) Shrunken Head Stew
5) Bubble N’ Squeak
6) Dark Draught
7) Pudding
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Polar, and Tundra
Spiney Lizard
Our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron is the Spiney Lizard. The Spiney Lizard is a very versatile mount. It can be both a battle mount and a harvester. It can harvest wood, thatch, hide, and keratin. Spiney’s also feature a 6x boosted gather rate for keratinoids. The Spiney can shoot projectiles from its tail which deliver normal and torpor damage to your enemies. Also worth noting is their ability to jump using spacebar.
The Spiney Lizard is a bola tame and prefers Marrow or Prime Animal Meat. After taming they will accept meat as their food.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Attack / Gather
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Spike Projectiles
Spacebar – Jump
They can be found on the following island type:
Our newest addition to Infiniti Squadron is the Stag. The Stag, with it’s large majestic antlers, is an amazing thatch gatherer and boasts a 50% weight reduction on any thatch in its inventory. The ability to harvest Thatch is however limited to the males as female ‘Hinds’ do not have the antlers for the job. Females can still pack a punch and can defend themselves with their headbutt ability and can also be milked when tamed as another source of milk. The Stag is one of a few tames which also have a costume option and can be equipped with the Reindeer costume to alter its appearance. These costumes have a small % chance to drop from Stag and Hind corpses. The Stag also brings with it a new hide resource type ‘Buckskin’ which can be harvested from Stag and Hind corpses. Also, upon feeding your Stag/Hind Chicken eggs, you will be gifted with some Christmas items.
The Stag is a bola tame and requires berries as its primary food.
The Hind is a passive tame and also requires berries as their primary food.
Attacks / Abilities:
LMB (Left Mouse Button) – Antler Attack / Gather Thatch (Male Only)
RMB (Right Mouse Button) – Headbutt
Passively generates milk – Press E to harvest
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Tundra
(VIP Only)
Welcome the newest VIP creature to our servers! The Thylacoleo is the bigger brother of the Tiger! This ferocious beast is sure to be a favorite amongst your collection of tames. It has slightly better stats then a tiger, and has bleed as a secondary attack. It can also climb walls/cliffs. Available for 10000 Shop Points!
Main Attack (left click): Melee
Secondary Attack (right click): Bleed
Third Attack (C): Roar
Special Ability: Can climb
Note: Thylacoleo have no gender and can’t mate.
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim Thylacoleos From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Opal, Copper, Gold, Or Mytho To Claim
– Mytho Ranks Now Include 1 Thylacoleo (10000 Point Value)
The Toad adds a keratin harvesting creature to the line up! They have great jumping distance and make great swimmers. Toads are a Tier 3 creature.
Toads must be bred in water. After successfully breeding, their fertilized egg will float to the waters surface for collection. You may then raise your baby Toads on land.
Toads are a bola tame. Their preferred food is Marrow. After taming they will accept meat as food.
They can be found on the following island types:
Equatorial, Temperate, Tropical, Tundra
Welcome the WarPig to Infiniti Squadron servers! The WarPig is a Tier 3 Carnivore. They can be found roaming the coldest islands in our realms. They have a unique feature that makes them worth the adventure to try and get one! WarPigs can activate a healing buff, which will heal nearby tames. Their healing ability does drain food pretty quickly so be sure to farm plenty of meat for them. Their preferred taming food is Marrow, followed by Prime Meat.
LMB – Primary Attack/Harvest
RMB – Activate Healing
They can be found on the following island types:
Woolly Rhino
Introducing a new Tier 3 creature into our realms. Welcome another Rhino, the Woolly Rhino. The Woolly Rhino is an Omnvivore and will be a favorite due to it’s ability to farm flints. Another interesting feature for the Woolly Rhino, is it can gather corpses and hides with its RMB attack.
The Wooly Rhino is a Bola tame and prefers Turnips or grown vegetables for taming, after which they will eat any berries/vegetables available.
They can be found on the following island types:
LMB – Attack / Harvest Normal
RMB – Attack / Harvest Flints/Corpses
Introducing our newest Tier 3 creature, the Workhorse! It does require a Tier 3 saddle to mount. This versatile mount has a couple neat abilities. It’s a light Thatch/Wood farmer. Items inside its inventory have an outstanding 95% weight reduction as well. It has a unique secondary attack, you will find useful as well. It can throw boulders! Lastly, while running, you can utilize its 3rd attack with “C”, to be able to farm berries/vegetables. Also worth mentioning, you can equip weapons while mounted on your Workhorses.
LMB – Primary attack
RMB – Throw Boulder
C – Gather While Running
Workhorses favorite taming food is Grog. After tame, they will accept berries and vegetables as food.
They can be found on the following island types:
Temperate, Tropical, Desert, Tundra
(PvE VIP Only)
Infiniti Squadron is proud to introduce it’s newest VIP member, The Wyvern. The Wyvern is a unique addition to the I.S Store as it is not a simple direct store purchase. To claim your own Wyvern the player must kill and collect Relic’s from each of the Atlas mini Bosses. The player will need to collect all 9 Relics and the store purchased Wyvern Relic to fulfill the purchase requirements.
Once collected the player will need to voyage to F2, host to our ‘Market Island’. Find the Dragon’s Nest where you can exchange your 10 relics for a level 180 Fire Wyvern of your own.
The Wyvern boasts a 75% global weight reduction and also has increased gathering rates:
+ Hide 4x
+ Keratinoid 4x
+ Meat 3x
+ Wood 5x
+ Thatch 3x
LMB – Bite
RMB – Breath Fire
C (Ground) – Wing Flap, knocks back enemies and also harvests Wood and Thatch.
C (Air) – Grab
– Server Supporters Can Now Buy & Claim The Wyvern Relic From Our Shop System!
– Must Have An ACTIVE Sub Of Either Gold Or Mytho To Claim
– Available For 25000 Shop Points For Gold & Mytho Ranked VIP’s